How to Evaluate Written Content for a UX Audit 

by Brandon Kindred
Great content can create 5 star ratings

Websites are constantly changing. When new products, services, and features are released to customers, they may need updates to the website content. This is where a UX audit comes in handy.

A UX audit aims to evaluate how users interact with websites by assessing their goals, tasks, and feedback on the product or service provided. If you're interested in learning more about evaluating written content during a UX audit, continue reading below.

What is a UX Audit?

A UX audit is a process that involves evaluating how users interact with websites by assessing their goals, tasks, and feedback on the product or service provided.

The first step of a UX audit includes identifying common user problems and pain points throughout the website. While you should focus primarily on major issues, it's important to take note of smaller details such as broken links and spelling errors. If there are any noticeable issues during your evaluation, consider implementing changes immediately, so users aren't discouraged from continuing through the conversion funnel.

Once you've addressed these larger concerns, continue digging into more specific areas like navigation flow for each page within your site. You can think about this in terms of what pages need improvement based on where customers land after searching specific keywords.

Proven Ways to Evaluate Written Content During a UX Audit

Revamping your website's content is a significant part of the UX audit process. Below are some practical steps for evaluating written content during this process:

Determine Your Metrics and Goals:

Identifying the metrics and goals for your website content will make it easier to identify areas that require improvement. For instance, to increase blog visitors' conversions, you should focus more on a post's headline and call-to-action (CTA) copy rather than its body text.

Assess Readability Scores:

When evaluating written content, marketers can also consider readability scores provided by sites like Flesch Reading Ease or Hemingway Editor. These tools give insight into whether readers would find the text easy or difficult to read based on commonly used words in their given score range.

Schedule Regular Updates:

To ensure that any changes made are effective, its recommended that marketers schedule regular updates with their web teams during a UX audit process. Organizations can effectively improve customer engagement levels by updating existing content accordingly within each page on the site.

Take an Inventory of Your Website's Content Pages:

Identifying the pages on your website with outdated, irrelevant, or low-quality content is a crucial step in evaluating written content during a UX audit. When creating an inventory of each page on your site, focus more attention on those that are most visited and provide information about products and services. Consider how well individual web pages perform in meeting their intended goal(s) for users? Are there any opportunities for improvement across these areas? Could you update this webpage's copy or design elements to improve its effectiveness moving forward? You can use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to create a simple inventory of your website pages.

Create an Action Plan:

Once you have a list of pages that need improvement, it's time to create an action plan for updating their content. While taking some extra time during this step is crucial, make sure the scope doesn't become too overwhelming or unrealistic within a given timeframe.

Begin by creating a schedule that prioritizes key areas based on your primary goals and metrics while also focusing more attention on existing issues on lower-performing web pages. Include specific details about how each page should be improved and who will take responsibility for executing these changes throughout the UX audit process.

Modify Your Content Marketing Strategy:

Once you've finished updating your website's content, it's time to modify your existing content marketing strategy. Marketers should focus on improving customer acquisition efforts and messaging that resonates with customers throughout all stages of the conversion funnel.

Acquire Data About How Users are Interacting with Your Content:

You should also acquire data about how users interact with your content. Ideally, this includes information about where they're coming from (i.e., social media platforms or search engine results), what pages they visit most often, and which pieces of copy performed best for specific web pages.

By evaluating these insights regularly, marketers can continually update their website's written content in order to improve the overall UX across each page on the site.

Make Sure Your Content is Measurable:

It's essential that you measure success by creating concrete goals throughout the process so improvements aren't based on assumptions moving forward.

Some examples of measurable goals could include:

  • Increasing the number of leads generated by a given webpage.
  • Reducing bounce rates for all content pages on your website.

Gain Feedback from Customers and Staff:

It's also important to seek feedback from both customers and staff throughout this process, especially when creating a new copy or design elements within each page. Doing so provides you with an opportunity to gain valuable insights that can be used to continually improve upon existing written content and overall UX across a site as a whole.

Test Your Content Marketing Strategy:

Before launching your updated written content, you should also test it against a group of users to determine how well they respond to these changes. Marketers can learn what works and doesn't work for their target audience before fully implementing new copy or design elements across each page on the site.

Ready to Automate Your Next UX Audit?

Performing a UX audit is essential for revising your content in a way that resonates with your target audience. However, the UX audit process can become tedious when you're performing multiple tests.

If you want to automate this process, get a free audit today.

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